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Google Analytics 4 training for digital marketers

Google Analytics 4 training for digital marketers

Discover the potential of Google Analytics 4, the game-changing new analytics tool

400 € /pers. (excl. VAT)

1) Introduction to web analytics

  • Today’s digital landscape
  • Understanding the importance of web analytics for your business
  • Understanding the basics of web analytics
  • CLICKTRUST’s magic recipe for good tracking
  • Lexicon: Learn to speak like a web analytics expert

2) Getting started with Google Analytics 4

  • The history of Google Analytics
  • Setting up a GA4 property
  • Installing GA4 on your website with Google Tag Manager
  • Configuring data retention in GA4
  • Cross-domain tracking in GA4

3) Exploring the Google Analytics 4 interface

  • Real-time reporting
  • Acquisition reports: Where is the traffic on my website coming from?
  • User reports: Who are your users?
  • Engagement reports: How are people behaving on my website?
  • Monetization reports: How much revenue did my website generate?

4) Make Google Analytics 4 fit your needs

  • UTM tracking
  • Custom channel grouping
  • Creating events & conversions
  • Creating custom reports
  • Linking Google Analytics 4 to other Google tools
  • Importing data from other platforms to GA4

5) Preparing for the future

  • The state of web analytics today
  • The limitations of web analytics
  • A word on GDPR and consent

6) Hands-on exercises

  • The Google Analytics 4 course is taught in small groups (+/- 6 people) and is FULL of concrete examples and case studies. The sessions are taking place from 9:30 to 17:00.


How much does this training cost?

400 euro per person (VAT excl.) This price includes:

  • The training
  • Time to ask questions
  • Training certificate
  • Access to the slides used during the training
  • Breakfast, lunch & drinks
  • 1 hour of coaching after the training
  • Life-time access to our GA4 toolkit

What language is the course in?

Our trainings are in English, unless otherwise specified. However, our instructor is trilingual, so feel free to ask your questions in the language you feel most comfortable with.

Where is this training?

You can attend our trainings at our offices near Merode in Brussels or from home. Our tailor-made trainings can also be given on site.